Meissen 瓷器
Johann Joachim Kaendler 於 18 世紀中葉創作的 25 厘米高的“雪球花花瓶”吸引了一片芬芳的雪球花的海洋,只有大自然才能創造出精緻和純淨。 中國花瓶造型的表面完全被花朵所覆蓋,因此成為完美幻覺的載體。 雪球花,曾經為八月三世創造。 和他即將成為奧地利的妻子約瑟夫,雪球花仍然代表著邁森最古老和最受歡迎的裝飾之一。 無論是餐具、家居裝飾還是華麗的小雕像——伴隨著 Johann Joachim Kaendler 的雪球花,邁森的巴洛克根源以最浪漫的形式閃耀。 在聖誕節也是一份非常特別的禮物,可以表達愛意並帶來獨特的歡樂。
Meissen Porcelain
The 25 cm high "Vase with Snowball Flowers" by Johann Joachim Kaendler from the middle of the 18th century captivates a sea of ¿¿fragrant snowball flowers, as delicate and pure as only nature can create. The surface of the Chinese vase shape is completely covered with the flowers, so it becomes the carrier of a perfect illusion. The snowball blossom, once created for August III. and his soon-to-be wife Josepha of Austria, the snowball blossom still stands for one of the oldest and most popular decors at MEISSEN. Whether tableware, home deco or magnificent figurines - with the snowball blossoms by Johann Joachim Kaendler, Meissen's baroque roots shine in their most romantic form. Also at Christmas a very special gift to express love and make a unique joy.
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