MDF Italia
MDF Italia Universal 椅子
Universal Collection 是 Jean-Marie Massaud 為 MDF Italia 設計的全新座椅系列的名稱,該系列以其無可挑剔的優雅線條和非凡的人體工程學設計脫穎而出。
在帶有木質靠背或全軟墊的椅子和扶手椅中,3D 靠背是座椅的焦點。 這個概念是從對木材彎曲的研究中發展而來的,該研究導致了一種創新的、現已獲得專利的技術的定義,其中工業設計和工藝相結合。 最重要的是,該設計得名於座椅的圓盤,是部件的跳動心臟,旨在適應不同類型的底座和靠背,因此隨著時間的推移,它可以開發出無限多種可能的配置,謝謝 也適用於許多紡織品組合。
MDF Italia Universal Chair
Universal Collection is the name of the new family of seats designed by Jean-Marie Massaud for MDF Italia, which stands out for its impeccably elegant lines and extraordinary ergonomics.
In the chair and armchair with wooden backrest or fully upholstered, the three-dimensional back is the focal point of the seating. The concept was developed from a study on the curving of the wood which led to the definition of an innovative, now patented technology in which industrial design and craftsmanship merge. The design takes its name, above all, from the disc of the seat, the beating heart of the piece, designed to accommodate different types of bases and backrests, so lending itself over time to the development of an infinite variety of possible configurations, thanks also to the many textile combinations.
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