Minotti Brasilia 沙發
巴西利亞,由 Marcio Kogan / studio mk27 設計,具有超精確、現代、簡約的風格,植根於巴西現代主義。 Minotti 已成功將 Kogan 的風格商標融入 2021 系列,將其魅力與整體設計理念融為一體。 一個具有高度創新輪廓的家具系列,重新詮釋了過去的形狀,將其明顯的簡單轉化為一種隱藏錯綜複雜的設計理念的真實美感:通過將不同的材料與強大的表達能力並置,它提供了一種新的詮釋 Minotti 品牌的獨特風格。 面向未來的設計,經得起時間的考驗,成為新的經典。
Minotti Brasilia Sofa
Brasilia, designed by Marcio Kogan / studio mk27, has an ultra-precise, contemporary, minimal style, rooted in Brazilian modernism. Minotti has successfully incorporated Kogan’s stylistic trademarks into the 2021 Collection, blending their charm with that of the overall design concept. A family of furniture with a highly innovative profile that reinterprets shapes from the past, transforming their apparent simplicity into a form of real beauty that conceals an intricately complex design concept: by juxtaposing different materials with strong powers of expression, it offers a new take on the distinctive style that identifies the Minotti brand. A design that looks to the future, made to stand the test of time and become a new classic.
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