Visionnaire Backstage 沙發
沙發採用皮革或織物軟墊,底座由緞面不銹鋼框架和覆蓋皮革或織物的木質和金屬面板組成,配有用於座椅懸掛的鬆緊帶。 扶手和靠背由木質面板製成,邊緣為 10x10 毫米的鋼型材,內側飾有皮革、織物或編織皮革軟墊。 座墊採用不同密度的聚氨酯、記憶泡沫® 和羽毛製成。 靠背和扶手靠墊由聚氨酯和羽毛製成,鬆散靠墊由羽毛製成。 金屬部件可用於緞面金屬飾面選擇。 模塊化沙發可提供中央元素,不帶靠背,可與橫幅控制台結合使用。
Visionnaire Backstage Sofa
Sofa upholstered in leather or fabric, with base composed of a frame in satinized stainless steel and a panel in wood and metal covered in leather or fabric, equipped with elastic belts for the seats suspension. Armrests and backrests made of a wooden panel edged by a steel profile th.10x10 mm, and upholstered with leather, fabric or woven leather padded on the inside. Seat cushions in polyurethane with different densities, memory foam® and feather. Back and armrest cushions in polyurethane and feather, loose cushions in feather. Metal parts available in the satinized metal finishing selection. Modular sofa available with central elements without backrest that can be combined with the Banner console.
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