Ceccotti Collezioni Everything Forever Cabinet_3

Ceccotti Collezioni

Ceccotti Collezioni Everything Forever 櫃子

“Everything Forever”由設計師 Roberto Lazzeroni 於 1997 年設計,是一款在重新詮釋古代托斯卡納餐具 madia 的道路上開發的餐具櫃。 這個名字諷刺地暗示它可以永遠持有任何物體。 Ceccotti Collezioni 再次講述了一個獨特而復雜的設計故事:頂部的框架在前面被打斷,似乎向外延伸,從而讓人想起了舊 madia 餐具櫃典型的可打開頂部。 彎曲的側面確保 Everything Forever 與其他家具順利連接。 它由實心美國胡桃木製成,內飾為楓木,有四扇或五扇玻璃門或木門和兩個或三個抽屜,其中一個配有餐具架。

Ceccotti Collezioni Everything Forever Cabinet

"Everything Forever", designed in 1997 by designer Roberto Lazzeroni, is a sideboard that is developed on the path of a reinterpretation of the madia, an ancient Tuscan sideboard. The name ironically suggests that it can hold any object forever. Once again, Ceccotti Collezioni relates a story of unique and complex design: the top, whose frame is interrupted at the front, seems to extend outwards, thus recalling the openable tops typical of the old madia sideboards. Made of solid American walnut with maple interiors, it is available with four or five glass or wooden doors and two or three drawers, one of which is equipped with a cutlery holder.


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