Rolf Benz
Rolf Benz 907 鏡子
隨時為您服務。 這個朋友和幫手將使臥室和任何其他房間的生活變得更加輕鬆。 擁有一個迷人的衣架和優雅的鏡子,它總是在手邊給你自己最後一分鐘的一次審視。 即使不“值班”,它看起來也很棒,並且可以根據您的個人喜好進行調整。 塗漆鋼架和掛衣桿的顏色選項包括交通黑、本影灰和金屬赭米色。 腳部和儲物區由實木、橡木、黑色橡木或美國胡桃木製成。
Rolf Benz 907 mirror
Always at your service. This friend and helper will make life so much easier both in the bedroom and in any other room. Boasting an attractive clothes rack and elegant mirror, it is always on hand to give yourself that last-minute once-over. Even when not “on duty”, it looks wonderful and can be adapted to your individual preferences. The colour options for the painted steel frame and clothes rail include traffic black, umbra grey and ochre-beige metallic. The foot and storage area are made from a choice of solid wood, oak, black stained oak or American walnut.
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LINE: @masha.carino