rolf benz 908_3

Rolf Benz

Rolf Benz 908

優雅的鋼製衣帽架向畢加索的線條畫致敬,他在紙上畫的這些畫沒有將筆從紙上移開。 結果是黑色、本影灰色或 Marrone 金屬色的時尚和引人注目的好設計。
沒有多餘的裝飾,它可以作為梳妝台、衣櫥、毛巾或包包的助手。 不使用時,它看起來幾乎像個舞者——也可以是優美的二重奏的一半。 它立在一個堅固的基座上,並且由於毛氈滑翔機,可以很容易地從一個生活區移動到另一個生活區。

Rolf Benz 908

The elegant steel valet stand pays homage to the line drawings by Pablo Picasso, which he made on paper without lifting his pen off the page. The result is sleek and arrestingly good design in black, umbra grey or Marrone metallic.
Without frills, it performs its duties as a dresser, wardrobe, towel or bag assistant. When not in use, it looks almost like a dancer – and can also be one half of a beautiful duet. It stands on a solid pedestal and, thanks to felt gliders, can easily be moved from one living area to another.


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