Flexform Peter 戶外沙發
Peter Outdoor 沙發採用比例巧妙的座椅元素,與其同名扶手椅的纖細線條和優雅編織相呼應。 結構由拋光奧氏體316不銹鋼製成; 它還提供白色、卡其綠或酒紅色的環氧粉末塗層。 座椅和靠背飾有由聚丙烯纖維或聚氨酯橡膠製成的輕盈而堅固的編織圖案,採用優雅的調色板,從大地色到波爾多色和橄欖綠。 Peter Outdoor 沙發可選配柔軟的靠背和座墊,並配有可拆卸的裝飾材料,採用多種戶外面料製成。
為使Peter Outdoor沙發保持良好狀態並儘可能保持其原始狀態,強烈建議使用其各自的防水套。
Flexform Peter outdoor sofa
The Peter Outdoor sofa echoes the svelte lines and elegant weaving of its namesake armchair in a discreetly proportioned seating element. The structure is made of burnished austenitic 316 stainless steel; it is also available with epoxy powder-coat finish in white, khaki green, or wine-red color. The seat and backrest are embellished with a light yet sturdy woven pattern made of polypropylene fiber or polyurethane rubber in an elegant color palette that ranges from earth tones to bordeaux and olive green. The Peter Outdoor sofa can be enhanced with soft optional backrest and seat cushions with removable upholstery that comes in a wide range of outdoor fabrics.
In order to keep the sofas Peter Outdoor in good condition and maintain them as close as possible to their original state, use of their respective waterproof covers is strongly recommended.
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