Flexform Vulcano 戶外沙發
Vulcano 沙發底座由海洋膠合板製成,而扶手和靠背結構則採用奧氏體不銹鋼 316,這是一種確保在戶外環境中具有卓越性能的超級合金。 編織內飾由聚丙烯纖維或聚氨酯橡膠製成,並有從大地色到酒紅色和橄欖綠的精緻調色板。 沙發位於奧氏體不銹鋼 316 和尼龍墊的周邊框架上。 為確保最佳的戶外性能,所有的軟墊都包裹在由透氣防水織物製成的特殊襯裡材料中,而大量的戶外裝飾織物不僅保證了對天氣和陽光影響的出色抵抗力,而且還對氯氣具有出色的抵抗力 和鹽水。 強烈建議使用相應的沙發套,以保持 Vulcano 沙發處於最佳狀態,並儘可能延長其原有的美感。
Flexform Vulcano outdoor sofa
The Vulcano sofa base is made of marine plywood, while the armrest and backrest structures are in austenitic stainless steel 316, a super alloy that ensures superior performance in outdoor settings. The woven upholstery is made of polypropylene fiber or polyurethane rubber and comes in a sophisticated palette of colors that range from earth tones to bordeaux and olive green. The sofa sits on a perimeter frame in austenitic stainless steel 316 and nylon pads. To ensure optimal outdoor performance, all the padded cushions are encased in a special lining material made of breathable water-repellent fabric, while the vast collection of outdoor upholstery fabrics guarantees excellent resistance not only to the effects of weather and the sun but also to chlorine and salt water. It is strongly advised that the respective covers be used to keep the Vulcano sofas in top condition and prolong their original beauty as much as possible.
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