Minotti Horizonte 沙發
Horizonte 模塊化座椅系統與 Marcio Kogan 的設計理念完美一致,是清晰建築願景的產物:嚴謹的造型,由於採用啞光黑色漆金屬的嵌入式底座,使沙發離地高出 7 厘米,賦予沙發一種特殊的感覺 暫停。 座椅、靠背和扶手等軟墊元素所在的平台均設計為大靠墊,比例大膽,個性鮮明。
Minotti Horizonte sofa
Perfectly consistent with Marcio Kogan's design philosophy, the Horizonte modular seating system is the result of a clear architectural vision: a rigorous shape, raised seven centimetres off the ground thanks to a recessed plinth in matt black varnished metal, which gives the sofa a special feeling of suspension. A platform on which the upholstered elements are located - seats, backrests and armrests - all conceived as large cushions with bold proportions and a strong personality.
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