Minotti Smith 沙發
Smith Lounge系統項目由Minotti設計,用於公共空間; 儘管如此,該系統仍可與系列中的模型有效匹配。 Smith 有一種尺寸可供選擇,可以配備兩種不同尺寸的靠背,只需一次移動即可改變在長凳上的位置。 它可以選擇提供扶手或裝飾墊。 一些連接的咖啡桌——由胡桃木或拉絲斑岩製成——可供選擇,從而產生無與倫比的多功能性和靈活性。
Minotti Smith sofa
Smith Lounge system project is designed by Minotti for use in public spaces; nevertheless, this system can be effectively matched with the models of the collection. Smith is available in one size and can be equipped with backrests in two different sizes, which can change position on the bench, in one movement only. It can be optionally supplied with armrest or decorative cushions. A few connecting coffee tables - made from either walnut or brushed porphyry - are available, thus resulting in unparalleled versatility and flexibility.
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LINE: @masha.carino