Alcarol Rapolando 茶几
主要由水和風造成的侵蝕現象進一步有助於將這片土地描繪成石化的風暴海。位於錫耶納土地上的意大利小鎮拉波拉諾自古羅馬人去那裡泡溫泉以來就聞名遐邇。alcarol - 與 Vaselli 合作 - 回收了被侵蝕的 Rapolano Travertine 岩石碎片,並使用一種類似於水的透明樹脂保存了其以時間為標誌的洞穴,這些岩石在各個時代都被淹沒在水中。
Alcarol Rapolando Coffee Table
The erosive phenomena, mainly due to water and wind, further contributed to depict that piece of land with the appearance of a petrified stormy sea. The Italian town of Rapolano in the Sienese lands has been known since the ancient Romans who went there to take the thermal baths in its hot springs. alcarol -in collaboration with Vaselli- retrieved pieces of eroded Rapolano Travertine rock and has preserved its cavities marked by time using a transparent resin resembling the water in which these rocks lay submerged through various eras.
Alcarol coffee table
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