Moooi Oil 枕頭
Oil 枕是對荷蘭豐富歷史的讚歌。 美麗的對比——豐富的歷史故事以現代圖形時尚呈現。 每個枕套均採用豐富而甜美的提花面料製成。 激發圖形靈感的原始圖像位於阿姆斯特丹圖書館的檔案中。 油枕中的紅色筆觸是對荷蘭和日本之間獨特的 400 年紐帶的頌歌。 插入物單獨出售。
Moooi Oil pillow
The Oil Pillows are a hymn to the rich history of the Netherlands. A beautiful contrast — the affluence of historic tales presented in a contemporary graphic fashion. Each Pillowcase is made of rich and luscious jacquard. The original images that inspired the graphics lie in the archives of the Amsterdam library. The red strokes in the Oil Pillows are an ode to the unique 400-year bond between the Netherlands and Japan. Inserts sold separately.
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LINE: @masha.carino