Flexform Echoes 椅子
Echoes 是一個由座椅元素組成的小家族,具有鮮明的個性,讓人想起其他看似截然不同的時代和文化的迴聲——地中海和斯堪的納維亞,既質樸又精緻,既似曾相識又永恆。 它的結構呈現出大膽的材料對比:結構採用光滑的金屬,而座椅和靠背則由精美的編織紙或燈心草繩製成——複雜的工藝讓人想起傳統方法,並且仍然完全由手工完成。 可以在扶手椅上添加一個可選的柔軟靠墊,以確保最大的舒適度。
Flexform Echoes chair
Echoes is a small family of seating elements with big personalities calls to mind echoes of other seemingly contrasting times and cultures – Mediterranean and Scandinavian, both rustic and delicate, déjà vu and yet, timeless. Its construction displays a bold material contrast: the structure is in sleek metal while the seat and backrest are made of fine woven paper or paper rush cord – complex craftsmanship reminiscent of traditional methods and still performed entirely by hand. A soft optional cushion can be added to the armchair to ensure the utmost comfort.
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LINE: @masha.carino