Alcarol Marble Ways 茶几
Marble Ways 咖啡桌由意大利大理石加工實驗室的工作檯面的三塊板製成,這些工作檯面不斷被用於切割石塊的巨大圓形刀片刮擦。 就像切割作業的水流一樣,一種透明的樹脂被澆注在凹凸不平的木材表面,以封裝大理石殘留物並抹平所有的粗糙度。 與所用材料的故事相一致,這件作品的金屬底座靈感來自用於切割寶石的刀片,由激光切割鋼板製成,並通過簡單的接頭組裝而成。
Alcarol Marble Ways coffee table
The Marble Ways Coffee Table is made of three boards of a worktop of an Italian marble processing lab which was continuously scratched by huge circular blades used to cut blocks of stone. Like the water flow of the cutting operations, a transparent resin is poured on the uneven wood surface to encapsulate marble residues and level all the roughness. In line with the story of the material used, the metal base of this piece is inspired by the blades used for cutting stones, made of laser cut sheet steel and assembled by simple joints.
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LINE: @masha.carino