e15 Shiraz 沙發
Shiraz 沙發的靈感來自鬆散連體、增強交流的傳統波斯座椅島以及西方沙龍和酒店大堂中的古典座椅家具。 Shiraz 系列是靈活的座椅選擇系統的基礎,可將現代與傳統元素完美融合。 這種設計理念的核心元素是能夠將各種靠背與不同的座椅元素結合起來。 沙發套裝的每個模塊都包含兩個元素:底座設拉子(根據需要帶或不帶靠背)和 Elam 座椅 - 一個超大的羽絨墊,完成了沙發組件。
e15 Shiraz sofa
The Shiraz sofa was inspired by loosely conjoined, communication enhancing traditional Persian seating islands as well as by classical seating furniture found in western salons and hotel lobbies. The Shiraz series underlies a flexible system of seating options that impressively harmonises modern and traditional elements. The central element of this design concept is the ability to combine various backrests with different seating elements. Each module of the sofa set contains two elements: the base Shiraz (with or without a backrest, as desired) and the Elam seat – an oversized down cushion that completes the sofa component.
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LINE: @masha.carino