B&B Jens 椅子
Jens 椅子系列(帶或不帶扶手)和凳子具有典型的 50 年代風格,同時以現代風格詮釋古典中國椅子。 重新發現車削和彎曲木材的工藝,結果是具有各種木材飾面的五軸框架。 Jens 系列包括多種版本:全木結構,帶木框架和皮革座椅,帶木框架和厚皮革座椅和靠背,帶木框架和編織纖維素繩座椅。
B&B Jens chair
The Jens chair collection – with or without armrests – and stools featuring a typical 1950s style yet also interpreting classical Chinese chairs in a contemporary key. Rediscovering the craftsmanship of turned and curved wood, the result is a five-axis frame in a variety of wood finishes. Jens collection includes numerous versions: entirely in wood, with wooden frame and leather seat, with wooden frame and thick leather seat and back, with wooden frame and seat in woven cellulose rope.
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LINE: @masha.carino