Baxter Nairobi 茶几
憑藉 Nairobi 咖啡桌,Baxter 開啟了一個連接家庭與戶外空間的全新視角。 旨在充當一個維度和另一個維度之間的中介的對象使我們能夠將花園作為一種新的體驗來享受,類似於逃避現實的想法和我們時代的個人代表。 Roberto Lazzeroni 設計的這個系列中的桌子和咖啡桌具有雕塑感和動感,著眼於非洲藝術的原始主義,並藉用其祖先的力量,將其精心打造為一個有機標誌,相比之下,讓人聯想到東方禪宗思想的線性純潔 . “這是一個秋冬季節不需要存放在室內的收藏品。 隨著季節的流逝,每件作品都會與周圍環境融為一體,直到成為熟悉的存在。” 它是春天奔向夏天的面孔,是愈來愈濃密、愈發籠罩的陽光撫慰心靈的意念。 我們可以在不同的、不斷變化的木紋中看到它,使每件作品都獨一無二。 在低矮的吸煙版和較高的用餐版中,兩條緊湊、安全的腿支撐著一張宏偉的桌子,我們發現了一個非正式角色的曲折:邀請不要選擇固定的一側坐下,冒險的方式變得 戶外友好。
Baxter Nairobi coffee table
With the Nairobi coffee table, Baxter opens up a brand new perspective to connect the space between the home and the outdoors. Objects designed to act as intermediaries between one dimension and the other allow us to enjoy the garden as a new experience, similar to an idea of escapism and a personal representation of our time. Sculptural and dynamic, the tables and coffee tables in this collection designed by Roberto Lazzeroni look to the primitivism of African art and borrow its ancestral strength, elaborating it into an organic sign which, by contrast, is reminiscent of the linear purity of oriental Zen thought. “It is a collection that does not need to be stored indoors during autumn and winter. As the seasons go by, each piece blends in with its surroundings until it becomes a familiar presence.” It is the face of spring rushing towards summer, that idea of ever-denser and more enveloping light that soothes the spirit. We can see it in the different, changing grains of the wood, making each piece unique. In the low silhouette smoking version and in the taller dining silhouette version, two compact, secure legs supporting a majestic table, we find the sinuosity of an informal character: an invitation not to choose a set side to sit on, the approach to adventure becomes outdoor-friendly.
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LINE: @masha.carino