Arketipo Crazy Diamond 沙發
如果有一件家具可以捕捉到 Pink Floyd 歌曲開創性的聲音,那麼 Crazy Diamond 沙發可能會變成一個我們甚至沒有意識到自己正在構思的項目。 就像樂隊獨奏的多功能性和令人著迷的打擊樂一樣,這款沙發走的是與往常不同的道路,追求舒適和時尚。 它的特點是允許兩種截然不同的坐姿的運動,它作為一款沙發脫穎而出,它成功地詮釋了當前的生活方式,並反過來將任何歡迎它的房間調成自己的旋律。 靠背的運動伴隨著扶手的功能,提供多種座位選擇,從而實現純粹舒適的漂浮。
Arketipo Crazy Diamond sofa
If there was a piece of furniture that could capture the groundbreaking sounds of a Pink Floyd song, then the Crazy Diamond sofa might have turned into a project we didn't even realize we were conceiving. Much like the versatility of bands solo and with mesmerizing percussion, this is a sofa that takes a different path than usual, looking for comfort and style. Characterized by a movement that allows two very different sitting positions, it stands out as a sofa that has managed to interpret the current way of life and in return tunes any room that welcomes it to its own melody. The movements of the backrest are accompanied by the functionality of the armrest which offers numerous seating options, thus achieving a float in pure comfort.
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LINE: @masha.carino