Arketipo Warren 扶手椅
在商界,億萬富翁奧馬哈先知沃倫·巴菲特的名字是分析、選擇、決定和承諾能力的代名詞。 只有當回報近在眼前時,他所付出的精力和努力才有意義。 Warren 賓客椅旨在讓我們快速進入無與倫比的舒適和休息狀態。 其深思熟慮的美學使其非常適合追求私密能量的空間。 憑藉其誘人的外形和破舊別緻的內飾,Warren 扶手椅旨在提供令人難以置信的柔軟度和愉悅的氛圍。 除了舒適的基本方面外,這款扶手椅還知道如何以出色的風格在視覺上彰顯自己的魅力,其精心設計的形狀和尺寸非常突出。
Arketipo Warren armchair
In the business world, the name of Warren Buffet, the multibillionaire Oracle of Omaha, is synonymous with the ability to analyze, choose, decide and commit. The energy and effort he expends only makes sense when the reward is at hand. The Warren Guest Chair is designed to get us in quickly a state of unsurpassed comfort and rest. Its thoughtful aesthetic makes it perfect for a space where intimate energy is sought after. With its inviting shape and shabby chic upholstery, the Warren Armchair aims to deliver an incredible softness and an enveloping atmosphere of pleasure. Beyond the fundamental aspect of comfort, this armchair also knows how to assert itself visually with great style, intense for its carefully designed shapes and for its dimensions.
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LINE: @masha.carino