Arketipo That's Life 沙發
That's Life 擁有高靠墊、棱角分明的扶手和深座椅,讓人聯想到現代主義爵士樂休息室,在那裡您可以輕鬆地與《廣告狂人》的主角之一進行眼神交流。 剛柔並濟的獨立平台相互組合,幾乎可以向任何方向延伸,以滿足家庭生活的各種需求。 這些配飾採用永恆的設計,靈感來自工匠價值觀,將精華素與大理石相結合,營造出休閒並置的效果。 這些元素可以並排放置並與軟墊組件集成在一起,它們激發了建築創造力的自由發揮,增強了鉸接線性的效果。 扶手和靠背的柔軟體積略微向外擴展,給人一種愉快的歡迎感。 That's Life 純粹而本質的設計,以幾何的嚴謹組合而成,一眼就能看出來,其生動而層次分明的線條具有獨特的魅力。 弗蘭克·辛納屈 (Frank Sinatra) 演唱的不朽版本的“這就是生活”(That's Life) 促使所有腳踏實地的人站起來,“重新回到遊戲中”。 這張非凡的沙發讓您精神煥發,煥然一新,您也會發現自己需要的力量。
Arketipo That's Life sofa
With its high cushions, angular armrests and deep seat, That's Life evokes a modernist jazz lounge, where you could easily make eye contact with one of the protagonists of Mad Men. The self-contained platforms, both rigid and soft, combine with each other in compositions that could extend in almost any direction, to meet the various needs of domestic life. The accessories, with a timeless design, are inspired by artisan values, combining essences and marbles, creating casual juxtapositions. These elements, which can be placed side by side and integrated with the upholstered components, they inspire a free play of architectural creativity which reinforces the effect of articulated linearity. The soft volumes of the armrests and backrest expand slightly outwards, giving a sense of pleasant welcome. Pure and essential design of That's Life, composed with geometric rigor, is immediately perceived, and its vivid and layered lines possess a unique allure. The immortal version of "That's Life" sung by Frank Sinatra pushes all those who have felt the ground under their feet to get up, and "get back in the game". Invigorated and refreshed by this extraordinary sofa, you will find just the strength you need to do it too.
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LINE: @masha.carino