多功能的 Rolf Benz 900 餐桌系列將優雅與最好的木工工藝相結合。 許多可用的選項保證其美妙的風格也將完美匹配您的風格。 從形狀開始,它可以是三種尺寸的矩形,也可以是圓形,或者——特別柔軟和有機的感覺——用無定形設計創造。 桌面有天然橡木、染色黑色或美國胡桃木可選。 對於框架,有以下選擇:天然橡木、黑色染色橡木、美國胡桃木、交通黑和本影灰。 框架和桌面也可以用混合材料組合。
The versatile Rolf Benz 900 dining table range combines elegance with the finest woodcraft. The many options available guarantee that its wonderful style will also match yours perfectly. Starting with the shape, which can be rectangular in three sizes, but also round or – for a particularly soft and organic feel – created with an amorphous design. The tabletop is available in natural oak, stained black or American walnut. For the frame, there is a choice of: natural oak, black stained oak, American walnut, traffic black and umbra grey. The frame and tabletop can also be combined with a mix of materials.
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