Visionnaire Lafitte 化妝台
在鋼實心管的主要結構。 膠合板內部塗層,皮革或織物填充和軟墊。 皮革或織物裝飾的側面外部裝飾與單獨的軟墊面板形成幾何 I 圖案,並帶有緞面鋼和雕刻徽標的裝飾嵌件。 內置大理石檯面配備 3 個正面軟墊抽屜,內部塗漆。 帶有周邊輪廓的鋼製上鏡; 緞面框架和帶有 LED 背光系統的 Visionnaire 徽章。 金屬部件可以塗上金屬飾面選擇中包含的任何顏色。 提供絎縫側面,飾有“Ripley”、“Ultrasound”或“Perkins”圖案。
Visionnaire Lafitte Vanity
Main structure in steel solid pipe. Internal coating in plywood panels, padded and upholstered in leather or fabric. External upholstery of sides in leather or fabric decorateci with individually upholstered panels creating a geometrica I pattern, with decorative inserts in satinized steel and engraved logo. Built-in marble top equipped with 3 frontally upholstered drawers, inside lacquered. Upper mirror with perimeter profile in steel; satinized frame and Visionnaire coat of arms with LED backlighting system. Metal parts can be lacquered in any colour included in the metal finish selection. Available with quilted sides upholstered in ‘Ripley’, ‘Ultrasound’ or ‘Perkins’ motifs.
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LINE: @masha.carino