一個座椅突然變成了一個舒適的躺椅——DS-266 將設計師 Stefan Heiliger 30 多年的工作濃縮成一個高度個性化的雕塑,其特點是對幾何形式的熱愛和最簡單的功能。 所需要的只是體重的輕微變化,任何剛坐直的人都可以立即採取不同的姿勢——平行四邊形毫不妥協地聽從你的命令。 精雕細琢的拼接外觀賦予這款雕塑般的混搭優雅圓潤。
A seat suddenly turns into a comfortable recliner – DS-266 chair condenses more than 30 years of work by designer Stefan Heiliger into a highly individual sculpture characterized by a love of geometric forms and the simplest of functions. All it takes is a slight shift in bodyweight, and anyone who was just sitting upright can immediately assume a different position – the parallelogram uncompromisingly heeds your command. A masterfully crafted patchwork look gives this sculptural hybrid its graceful rounding.
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