NVL Table 是法國建築師讓·努維爾 (Jean Nouvel) 為 MDF Italia 簽署的第二個項目,繼 Super_Position 之後,字面意思是它的名字。 Jean Nouvel 建築的鮮明特徵在這張桌子上得到充分體現,並增強了他作品一貫與眾不同的風格元素:純粹的幾何形狀、正式的輕盈、圖形線條、嚴謹。
A mono-material table, with contemporary lines and characterized by a strong personality.
NVL Table is the second project signed by the French architect Jean Nouvel for MDF Italia after Super_Position and which literally takes its name. The distinctive features of Jean Nouvel’s architecture are fully manifested in this table and enhance the stylistic elements that have always distinguished his work: pure geometric shapes, formal lightness, graphic lines, rigour.
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