由 Andrés Reisinger 和 Júlia Esqué 設計的 Hortensia 扶手椅創新地再現了自然之美。 這種綻放的美麗靈感來自人類對溫暖和舒適的基本需求。 坐下來,感到舒適、平靜和舒緩。 彷彿你坐在一朵盛開的花朵中,被柔滑的花瓣包裹著。 奇妙的 Hortensia 扶手椅將是您家中最柔軟的地方。 Hortensia 扶手椅可配置為您選擇的各種不同面料和皮革,適合任何室內裝飾。
The Hortensia Armchair, by Andrés Reisinger & Júlia Esqué, innovatively replicates the beauty of nature. This blooming beauty is inspired by the basic human need for warmth and comfort. Sit down and feel comforted, calm, and soothed. As if you're sitting in a blooming flower, enveloped in smooth and gentle petals. The wondrous Hortensia Armchair will be the softest place in your home. Configurable in a range of different fabrics and leathers of your choice, the Hortensia Armchair blooms in any interior.
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