Nanook矮桌反映了基於觀察四足動物皮革鞣製情況對二維到三維通道的研究。 這種繃緊的皮膚喚起了人們對它曾經的動物的回憶。 相同的皮膚,打褶,為我們提供了椅子或扶手椅的立體感。 該結構是受分子幾何學或雪花啟發的六邊形網絡。 椅子內飾的天然表皮。 嚴格的自然幾何結構。 與穿著獸皮保護的因紐特人一樣,納努克的技術織物內飾也有部落的呼應。
Nanook low table reflects a study of the passage from two to three dimensions based on observing the tanning of a quadruped’s hide. This taut skin evokes memories of the animal it once was. The same skin, pleated, gives us the three-dimensionality of a chair or armchair. The structure is a hexagonal network inspired by molecular geometry or a snowflake. The natural form of a skin for the chair’s upholstery. The rigorous geometry of Nature for its structure. Like the Inuit peoples who wear animal skins for protection, Nanook’s technical-fabric upholstery has tribal echoes.
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