Rolf Benz. Plura 沙發
自由的新定義——Rolf Benz PLURA 為您提供您想要的生活方式的所有可能性。 無論是直立座椅、悠閒放鬆還是舒適的小睡——這款多功能沙發只需幾步即可適應您最喜歡的姿勢。 不同的元素和設計讓您可以自由調整 Rolf Benz PLURA 以完全滿足您的個人需求。 例如,使用斜倚選項,可以將靠背從直立位置調整到斜倚位置。
Rolf Benz. Plura sofa
The new definition of freedom – Rolf Benz PLURA gives you all the possibilities you could wish for to live the way you want to. Whether it be upright seating, laid-back relaxing or comfortable snoozing – this multi-functional sofa can adapt to your favourite position in just a few moves. Different elements and designs give you the freedom to adapt Rolf Benz PLURA to completely match your personal needs. With the reclining option, for example, the back can be adjusted from its upright position to a reclining position.
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