Rolf Benz. Vida 沙發
人生有無數條路可以走。 你可以對生活提出各種不同的要求。 但是你應該對誰永遠忠誠? 當然是你自己。 Rolf Benz VIDA 是一款與您一樣個性且完全符合您生活方式的沙發。 您可以選擇您的個人沙發外觀,並從 5 種座椅寬度、18 種模塊化元素、7 種側板和 10 種腳型中進行選擇。 毋庸置疑,Rolf Benz VIDA 在內飾、座椅深度和座椅高度方面也完全滿足您對舒適度的個人願望。
Rolf Benz. Vida sofa
There are numerous paths you can take in life. There are all kinds of different demands you can make of life. But to whom should you always remain true? Yourself, of course. One sofa that is as individual as you are and that compliments your lifestyle completely is Rolf Benz VIDA. You can select your individual sofa look and choose from 5 seat widths, 18 modular elements, 7 side pieces and 10 foot variants. And it goes without saying that Rolf Benz VIDA also satisfies your entirely personal wishes for comfort in terms of upholstery, seat depth and seat height.
歐洲品牌整合輸入 滿足您多樣化的需求