B&B Italia. Arne 沙發
Arne 旨在為休閒活動創造環境,以包圍用戶的彎曲形狀脫穎而出。 它邀請大家一起社交和分享時刻,在大屏幕上交談和觀看電視節目。 完美地放置在房間的中央,當靠牆放置時,它不會失去座椅和靠背似乎都懸掛在其上的鋁製支架所傳達的舒適感和輕盈感。
B&B Italia. Arne sofa
Designed to create the setting for leisure activities, Arne stands out for the curved shape that envelops the user. It is an invitation to socialise and share moments together, to converse and watch television shows on a large screen. Perfect in the centre of the room, when placed against the wall it loses none of the sense of comfort and lightness conveyed by the aluminium supports on which both the seat and backrest seem to be suspended.
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