Flexform Evergreen 沙發
它的名字完美地概括了它的個性——Evergreen 沙發以超越時間和時尚界限的高雅謹慎設計而著稱。 將沙發抬離地板的鑄造金屬底座的設計表達了精緻而精緻的美學邊緣。 座椅靠背和扶手的厚度減少並向外打開,突出了這款沙發的空靈外觀。 座墊位於牛皮軟墊的金屬底座上,這一細節為這款多功能沙發增添了價值。
Flexform Evergreen Sofa
Its name brilliantly sums up its personality – the Evergreen sofa is distinguished by a tastefully discreet design that transcends the bounds of time and fashion. The design of the cast-metal base that lifts the sofa off the floor expresses a delicate and sophisticated aesthetic edge. The seat backs and armrests are of reduced thickness and open outward, accentuating the ethereal appearance of this sofa. The seat cushions rest on a metal base upholstered in cowhide, a detail that adds value to this extremely versatile sofa.
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