Meissen Ming-Dragon 檯燈
Ming-Dragon 檯燈是“MEISSEN Cosmopolitan”系列的一部分,輪廓清晰,裝飾華麗,靈感來自現代大酒店的設計語言。 龍纏繞在檯燈周圍,以絲絲筆觸精心打造。 這款檯燈以這只神話中的野獸為裝飾,超越了純粹的實用主義,為將精湛的藝術和工藝融入日常生活騰出了空間。 “銘龍”於1740年問世,是該廠最古老的裝飾品之一。 古老的東亞裝飾啟發了梅森的龍紋裝飾。 在中國神話中,龍代表智慧和變化。 它還像徵著光和太陽。 “銘龍”檯燈是一份讓所愛之人眼前一亮的禮物。
Meissen Ming-Dragon table lamp
The Ming-Dragon table lamp is part of the "MEISSEN Cosmopolitan" series with clear silhouettes and decorative flourishes is inspired by the design language of modern grand hotels. Completely elaborated in filigree brushstrokes, the dragon winds itself around the table lamp. Adorned by this mythical beast, the table lamp moves beyond the purely utilitarian, making room to integrate masterful artistry and craftsmanship into everyday life. With its creation in 1740, the "Ming Dragon" is one of the oldest decorations of the manufactory. Ancient East Asian decorations inspired MEISSEN for their dragon decor. In Chinese mythology, the dragon stands for wisdom and change. It also symbolizes light and sun. The table lamp "Ming-Dragon" is a gift that makes the eyes of your loved ones shine.
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LINE: @masha.carino