Flexform Guscio 沙發
Guscio 沙發具有包絡線和無可挑剔的結構,這些特點增強了其為住宅和接待空間(如休息區、公司辦公室和精品店)提供溫暖和舒適的天賦。 該結構是一個由結構聚氨酯泡沫製成的包覆式外殼,而座墊則採用鵝絨製成,並帶有一個採用防壓材料製成的芯插入件。 區分 Guscio 沙發的精緻美學語言也體現在實木底座的設計中——卡納萊托胡桃木或白蠟木,有各種顏色——或金屬,有多種飾面。
Flexform Guscio Sofa
The Guscio sofa has enveloping lines and impeccable construction, features that enhance its natural aptitude for furnishing both residential homes and hospitality spaces – like lounge areas, corporate offices and boutiques – with a flair for warmth and coziness. The structure is an enveloping shell made of structural polyurethane foam, while the seat cushion is in goose down with a core insert in crushproof material. The sophisticated aesthetic language that distinguishes the Guscio sofa is also expressed in the design of the solid wood base – in Canaletto walnut or ash, in various colors – or metal, in a number of finishes.
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