B&B Italia Pab 櫃子
Pab 是由涉及材料和技術的複雜設計產生的牆體系統。 該項目圍繞著書架的概念展開,其設計基於一個非常簡單的想法:將一張折疊成兩半並由輕質繫帶約束的床單,用作書架和頂部。 通過巧妙的工程和高品質的材料,由此產生的輕盈感實際上隱藏了一個非常強大的系統。 因此,存儲單元的概念得到了發展,使用擱板創建基於美學簡約、實用性、可訪問性和質量細節的現代設計。
B&B Italia Pab Storage unit
Pab is a wall system arising from a complex design involving materials and technologies. The project revolves around the concept of shelf, designed based on a very simple idea: that of a sheet folded in half and restrained by light ties, for use as a bookshelf and top. Through clever engineering and high quality materials, the resulting sense of lightness actually hides a very robust system. The concept of the storage unit has thus been developed, using the shelf to create a contemporary design based on aesthetic simplicity, practicality, accessibility and quality details.
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