Ceccotti Collezioni 燈
Alberi di Toscana 不僅僅是一件家居飾品,它結合了實用托盤的實用性和檯燈的優雅,能夠提升任何入口通道的美感。 托盤 - 由白蠟木製成 - 邊緣有唇緣,四隻腳將托盤抬高到下方表面之上,使其結構更精簡、更優雅。 在略微凹陷的表面上,一根錐形蘑菇形柱子支撐著由 Volterra 雪花石膏製成的 LED 燈罩,這是一種具有高價值的礦物,可以通過其明亮的白色來識別。 燈罩 - 發出溫暖宜人的光線 - 有多種配置可供選擇,讓人想起一些典型的托斯卡納樹的標誌性葉子:橄欖樹、柏樹和海上松樹。 天鵝絨般光滑的木材和結構的流動形式使它成為一個既可以觀看又可以觸摸的精緻物體。
Ceccotti Collezioni lamp
Much more than just a home accessory, Alberi di Toscana combines the practicality of a catchall tray with the elegance of a lamp capable of heightening the aesthetic of any entryway. The tray - made of ash wood - features a lip around the edge and four feet that elevate it above the surface below, making its structure leaner and more elegant. On the slightly recessed surface, a tapered mushroom-shaped pillar holds the LED lampshade crafted of Volterra alabaster, a highly valued mineral identifiable by its bright white colour. The lampshade - which emits a warm, pleasant light - is available in a number of configurations which recall that iconic foliage of some typical Tuscan trees: the olive, cypress and the maritime pine. The velvety smooth wood and the flowing forms of the structure make this a sophisticated object both to view and to touch.
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