Ceccotti Collezioni Obon 燈
Obon 是一盞吊燈,其名稱和設計讓人想起每年八月在日本舉行的同名節日,並以燈籠為像徵。 盂蘭盆節(又稱盂蘭盆節)是日本一年一度紀念祖先的節日。 人們相信他們的靈魂會在那個時候回來探望他們的親人。 懸掛燈籠(紙製)以引導精神,並表演盂蘭盆舞(bon odori)。 家人團聚,拜訪親人的墳墓,並在祭壇和寺廟裡供奉食物。
Ceccotti Collezioni Obon lamp
Obon is a pendant light whose name and design hearken back to the festival of the same name that takes place in Japan every August, and which is symbolised by the lantern. Obon (also known as Bon) is the annual Japanese festival for commemorating and remembering ancestors. It is believed that their spirits return at that time to visit their relatives. Chōchin lanterns (made of paper) are hung to guide the spirits and Obon dances (bon odori) are performed. Families reunite, visit the tombs of their relatives and make offerings of food on altars and in temples.
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