Rolf Benz
Rolf Benz 684 椅子
Rolf Benz 684 是一款非常規的扶手椅。 由於在座椅和靠背上使用不同的罩蓋,令人興奮的顏色和材料組合使其成為您客廳中特別有吸引力的功能。 可以使用多把椅子將具有休閒特色的定制座位安排放在一起。 Rolf Benz 684 站在一個關鍵的木製底座上,在大型論壇中使用時為您提供機動性和行動自由。 你想要一個靈活的腳凳來放你的腳嗎? 沒問題! Rolf Benz 684 也可提供不帶靠背的車型。 因此,您可以將此模型與協調托盤結合使用,以創建實用的臨時桌子。
Rolf Benz 684 Chair
The Rolf Benz 684 is an extremely unconventional armchair. Exciting colour and material combinations resulting from the use of different covers on the seat and backrest make it a particularly attractive feature in your living room. Customised seating arrangements with a lounge character can be put together using a number of chairs. Standing on a pivotal wooden plinth, the Rolf Benz 684 gives you mobility and freedom of movement when used in a large forum. Would you like a flexible footstool to put your feet on? No problem! The Rolf Benz 684 is also available without a backrest. As a result, you can combine this model with a coordinating tray to create a practical occasional table.
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