Molteni Guell 戶外
Guell 日光浴床是戶外家具的典範,詮釋了 Timeout 系列美學特徵的所有元素,重新提出了貫穿整個輪廓的拋光彩繪鋁帶的主題,以及聚丙烯的傳統圖案 繩索編織。 靠背允許不同的傾斜度。 它可以完全由用聚丙烯繩編織的實心柚木板條製成,有無菸煤色、橄欖綠和沙漠黃三種顏色。
日光浴床重量輕,靠背上裝有輪子,可以輕鬆移動。 為了確保最大的安全性,輪子幾乎沒有懸空,只有在日光浴床升起時才會被激活。 這是強調該系列設計精度的眾多細節之一。
Molteni Guell outdoor
The Guell sunbed, the archetype par excellence of outdoor furniture, interprets all the elements that characterise the aesthetics of the Timeout Collection, re-proposing the theme of the burnished painted aluminium band, running along the entire profile, and the traditional motif of the polypropylene rope weave. The backrest allows for different inclinations. It can be made entirely of solid teak slats woven in polypropylene rope in the three colours anthracite, olive green and desert yellow.
The sunbed is lightweight and can be easily moved thanks to the wheel fitted to the backrest. To ensure maximum safety, the wheel is positioned barely suspended, being activated only when the sunbed is raised. This is one of the many details that underlines the design precision of the Collection.
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