Moroso Alessandra 扶手椅
Mariscal 的視覺遺產來自漫畫書的世界,他坦率地承認從中汲取了靈感。 反墨守成規、自由意志主義、後現代主義:Alessandra 扶手椅是一個故事板,從青少年的角度講述一個故事,其中體驗總是先於意義。 對身體和形式的圓潤、重疊和多情結合的渴望,將這些碎片從正常的時間流逝中釋放到另一個地方,一個也是我們自己的世界。
Moroso Alessandra armchair
Mariscal’s visual heritage is drawn from the world of comic books, which he freely admits to drawing inspiration from. Anticonformist, libertarian, post-modern: the Alessandra armchair is a storyboard for a tale told from the perspective of a teenager, where experience always comes before meaning. The desire for roundness, overlapping and amorous couplings of bodies and forms, release the pieces from the normal passing of time into another place, a world which is also our own.
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LINE: @masha.carino