Maxalto Tesaurus 櫃子
Tesaurus 是一系列精緻的存儲單元。形狀強調了高品質的工藝,從打開的彎曲木門開始,露出略微突出的架子,以及遵循體積的連續輪廓。 Tesaurus 提供三種不同的高度和寬度,帶有兩扇或四扇門,帶抽屜和翻蓋門。底座是從 Caratos 椅子設計中藉用的壓鑄鋁結構,而上面的元素是黑色 Marquinia、白色 Calacatta 或 Emperador 大理石的頂部。內飾由精緻的楓木製成。工藝體現在奢華的羊皮紙或木飾面。單板橡木或智利 Tineo 木材採用交錯格子圖案和交叉紋理製成。羊皮紙覆蓋是一個漫長而細緻的過程,需要由受過培訓的專業工匠鋪設,以尊重天然材料的特性。隨著時間的流逝,羊皮紙的表面會逐漸成熟,就像一瓶好酒一樣,它會發生變化並獲得新的複雜色調。由於製造過程中固有的複雜手工工藝,Tesaurus 的價值立即顯而易見。該系列中的每一件作品都成為獨一無二的物品,難以模仿且真正獨一無二。
Maxalto Tesaurus Storage
Tesaurus is a series of refined storage units. The shape underlines the high quality of the craftsmanship, starting with the curved wooden doors that open to reveal slightly protruding shelves, and a continuous profile that follows the volume’s. Tesaurus is available in three different heights and widths, with two or four doors, with drawers and flap doors. The base is a die-cast aluminium structure borrowed from the Caratos chair design, while the element above is a top in black Marquinia, white Calacatta or Emperador marble. The interiors are made of refined maple frisé. The craftsmanship is expressed in the luxurious parchment or wood finishes. The veneered oak or Chilean Tineo wood is made with a staggered checker motif with crossed grains. Parchment covering is a long and meticulous process and needs to be laid by specialised craftsmen who are trained to respect the natural material’s characteristics. Over the passage of time the parchment surface matures so that, like a good wine, it will be transformed and acquire new sophisticated hues. Thanks to the complex hand crafted processes inherent in the manufacturing processes, the value of Tesaurus is immediately obvious. Each piece in this collection becomes a unique object, difficult to imitate and authentically exclusive.
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