Edra Cabana 櫃子
這個容器令人回味和神秘,隱藏了一個中央軸承結構。 五個直徑遞減的圓形架子隱藏在長股酒椰粘膠纖維的小屋下面。 酒椰粘膠纖維的股線以從頂部垂到地面的方式手工打結。 Cabana 櫥櫃可以從各個方向打開,以訪問隱藏的圓形擱板,相當於十二延米。
Edra Cabana cabinet
Evocative and mysterious, this container conceals a central bearing structure. Five circular shelves of decreasing diameter are concealed beneath the hut of long strands of raffia viscose fiber. The strands of raffia viscose fiber are hand knotted in such a way as to fall from the top to the ground. The Cabana cabinet can be opened from every direction to access the hidden circular shelves, equivalent to twelve linear meters.
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LINE: @masha.carino