Visionnaire Deimos 沙發
Deimos 沙發和扶手椅採用皮革或織物裝飾。 彎曲和成型的實木和復合木框架,外部覆蓋有剛性成型的聚氨酯,具有凹形和彎曲的外表面。 內部扶手和靠背採用凸面聚氨酯,座椅採用可變密度聚氨酯和丙烯酸層,帶彈力帶彈簧。 主體採用啞光漆灰實木,帶鋼腳。 可選用實心白蠟木外殼染色 100 光澤度。
Visionnaire Deimos sofa
The Deimos sofa and armchair upholstered in leather or fabric. Curved and shaped frame in solid and multiply wood, externally covered in rigid shaped polyurethane with concave and curved external surfaces. Internal armrests and backrest in convex polyurethane and seat in polyurethane with variable density and acrylic layer, with elastic belt springing. Body in mat lacqueres ash solid wood, with steel feet. Optionally available solid ash wood shell stained 100 gloss.
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