Arketipo Miss Malice 椅子
一看 Arketipo 的 Miss Malice,您就會想起經典的、有點復古的設計。 可以公平地說,您可以在 1960 年代或 70 年代看到它,在麥迪遜大街的某個地方,在廣告行政辦公室或了解新古典主義室內設計藝術的房主中。 其厚實的圓形軟墊座椅展現出舒適感,而其細長的金屬腿則展示了現代設計的精緻。
Arketipo Miss Malice Chair
One look at Arketipo's Miss Malice and you are reminded of a classical, somewhat vintage design. It would be fair to say you could see this in the 1960s or 70s, somewhere on Madison Avenue, in an advertising executive office or a homeowner who understood the art of neoclassical interior design. Its thick rounded and padded seat exhibit comfort whilst its thin metal legs showcase refinement in modern design.
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LINE: @masha.carino