Arketipo Numo 椅子
Arketipo 的 Numa 在阿拉伯語中意為愉悅,不僅體現在名稱上,還體現在椅子如何與周圍環境保持平衡。 有點裝飾藝術,有點新藝術風格,NUMA 是一種設計表達,了解永恆傑作所屬的位置 - 在您的家中。 輕而有力,柔而知。 用拉絲鋼製成,乍一看可能會騙人,但仔細檢查後,您一定會很高興。
Arketipo Numo Chair
Arketipo's Numa which in Arabic means delight, delivers not only on the name but also in how the chair provides balance to its surroundings. A bit art deco, a bit art nouveau, NUMA is an expression of design that understands where the timeless masterpiece belongs - in your home. Light yet strong, soft yet knowing. Made with brushed steel, the first glance can deceive but one close inspection and you are sure to be delighted.
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LINE: @masha.carino