Arketipo Lith 茶几
憑藉其形狀和風格的混合,帶有 Lith 的小桌子選擇旨在將柔軟和剛性的組件結合在一起,傳達一種和諧和國際化的風格,在結構主義和形式上符合 Arketipo 的精神。 圓形、方形或矩形,連同新的控制台,它們的形狀統一了一種精神,即材料的組合和它們彼此的特定結合,創造出旨在激發元素的表達情感,即使不是整個環境。 Lith 的檯面巧妙地結合了大理石、砂岩或玻璃,堅固的等距金屬底座進一步襯託了 Lith,為整體設計帶來了深度和強度。
Arketipo Lith Side Table
With its mixture of shapes and styles, the small table selection with Lith is designed to bring together soft and rigid components, to convey a harmonious and cosmopolitan style that fits with the Arketipo ethos in structuralism and form. Round, square or rectangular, together with the new console, their shape unifies an ethos that it is the combination of materials and their specific marriage to one another, creating expressive emotions designed to stir elements, if not the whole environment. With tops that playfully combine either marble, sandstone or glass, Lith is only further complimented by the strong and isometric metal base that brings depth and strength to the overall design.
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LINE: @masha.carino