Cattelan Akumal 鏡子
憑藉 Akumal 模型,Paolo Cattelan 將功能和裝飾外觀完美結合。 這面現代鏡子的立式造型可以舒適地反映出人體的輪廓,但其精緻的優雅卻立即吸引了人們的眼球。 這面鏡子充滿了環繞房間的不規則蜿蜒曲線。 它由兩層組成:上層是鏡面的,下層是煙熏透明的。 當配備LED燈,作為燈框對著牆面時,這款設計鏡的裝飾功能進一步增加。
Cattelan Akumal mirror
With the Akumal model, Paolo Cattelan perfectly combines function and decorative appearance. The vertical shape of this modern mirror can comfortably reflect the human figure, but its refined elegance is what immediately catches the eye. This mirror is full of irregular sinuous curves that embrace the room. It is composed on two levels: the upper one is mirrored while the lower one is smoked transparent. When equipped with LED light, facing the wall as a light frame, the decorative function of this design mirror increases further.
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