Cattelan Emerald Magnum 鏡子
Emerald 是一個帶有全鏡面鏡框的設計師鏡子系列。 棱角分明的造型和立體的鏡框,讓這些鏡子猶如寶石一般,折射出周圍房間的不同景緻。 大型 Emerald 現代壁鏡旨在裝飾牆壁,同時擴大房間。 祖母綠有圓形或矩形形狀,也有 2 米大的 Emerald Magnum 版本。 為了給房間帶來更私密和精緻的效果,Emerald 可以有一面 fumé 玻璃鏡子。
Cattelan Emerald Magnum mirror
Emerald is a family of designer mirrors with a fully mirrored frame. With their sharp-cornered shape and three-dimensional frame, these mirrors are like precious stones, and as such, they reflect different views of the surrounding room. The large Emerald contemporary wall mirror is designed to decorate a wall while simultaneously expanding the room. Emerald is available in round or rectangular shapes or in the 2-metre-large Emerald Magnum version. To give the room a more intimate and sophisticated effect, Emerald can have a fumé glass mirror.
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