Cattelan Cosmos 鏡子
Cosmos 是一款由 Lorenzo Remedi 設計的宏偉而無與倫比的鏡子。 讓您的想像力翱翔,它不僅僅是一面現代圓鏡。 這個迷人的物體就像一個迷人的門戶,將房間的邊界延伸到未知的世界。 Cosmos 由兩個不同的元素組成。 不規則輪廓的鏡面中央部分,彷彿是隨心所欲地設計,自然度最高; 而位於底層的外緣略微凹陷。 其結果是一面具有柔軟和流暢形狀的現代鏡子,它似乎想要包圍房間並將其納入其中。
Cattelan Cosmos mirror
Cosmos is a majestic and unparalleled design mirror created by Lorenzo Remedi. Letting your imagination soar, it is much more than a modern round mirror. This captivating object is like an enchanted portal that extends the boundaries of the room to unknown worlds. Cosmos is made up of two distinct elements. The mirrored central portion with irregular contours seems to be designed freehand and instinctively, with the greatest naturalness; while the outer edge, positioned on an underlying level, is slightly concave. The result is a modern mirror with a soft and fluid shape, which seems to want to envelop the room and subsume it.
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LINE: @masha.carino