Alivar Toledo 茶几
全新 Toledo 咖啡桌以其無可挑剔的材質裝點空間。 結構採用實心彩繪白蠟木或意大利胡桃木。 該模型的特點是雙支撐表面:上部建議採用大理石,5 毫米。 厚陶瓷與超透明玻璃或光面或啞光塗漆中密度纖維板相結合; 而下方的也是咖啡桌的底座,可以採用光面或啞光塗漆中密度纖維板。 目錄中的各種飾面意味著能夠自定義您的模型以創建同色系組合或顏色對比。
Alivar Toledo side table
The new Toledo coffee table embellishes spaces with their unmistakable material presence. The structure is in solid painted ash or Italian walnut. The model is characterised by a double support surface: the upper one proposed in marble, 5 mm. thick ceramic coupled with extra clear transparent glass or in glossy or matt lacquered MDF; while the lower one, which is also the base of the coffee table, can be in glossy or matt lacquered MDF. The wide range of finishes in the catalogue means being able to customise your model to create tone-on-tone combinations or colour contrasts.
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LINE: @masha.carino