Arketipo Epsilon 桌子
當兩個設計學校走到一起時,這可能是一件令人振奮的事情。 在這裡,建築與室內家居設計相遇,Epsilon 餐桌是 Manzoni & Tapinassi 的餐桌佈置願景,是連接這兩個世界的設計。 底座在設計和功能上都高大而堅固,而頂部則通過金屬和木材的搭配,在底座設置後通過表面進行雕刻和切割來豐富。 這些材料同樣展示了摩卡橡木或 sucupira 與金屬設計中的雲母棕色、氧灰色、黃銅或鈦形成鮮明對比的效果。
Arketipo Epsilon table
When two design schools come together, it can be an exhilarating thing. Here, architecture meets interior home design, the Epsilon table, a vision of dining table arrangement by Manzoni & Tapinassi is a design that links these two worlds. The base stands tall and strong, both in design and function whilst the top is enriched by a play of metal and wood, carving and cutting through the surface following the base setup. The materials equally showcase what is achievable with moka oak or sucupira contrasting with micaceous brown, oxy grey, brass or titanium in metal design.
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LINE: @masha.carino